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Gdos Trade - Legal notice



GdOs Trade S.L.


Calle de Cochabamba 18, 28016, Madrid, España

Contact information:

E-mail: info@gdostrade.com

Responsibility for content:

We do not guarantee the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information. Claims of liability for damages caused by the use of any information provided, including any information that is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. All offers are subject to change. The authors expressly reserve the right to modify, complete or eliminate parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice, or to cease temporary or permanent publication.

Responsibility for links:

Our page contains links to external third-party websites, over whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot take any responsibility for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is responsible for the content of the linked pages. Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time the link was established. However, permanent monitoring of the contents of linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If we become aware of any violations, we will remove such links immediately.


The reproduction, processing, distribution or any form of commercialization of said material beyond the scope of intellectual property law will require the prior written consent of its respective author or owner. Downloads and copies from this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. To the extent that the content of this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties will be respected. from third parties. In particular, third party content is identified as such. However, if there is any copyright infringement, please let us know. If we become aware of any infringement we will immediately remove said content.

Our commitment


· Constant innovation to improve the user experience.

· Promotion of sustainability through support for renewable energies.

· Transparency and security in all transaction

At GdOs Trade, we are building a greener future.