+34 684 083 197 contacto@gdostrade.com

GdOs Trade - Privacy policy


GdOs Trade values the privacy of its clients

The privacy of our users is of great importance to us. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, protect and share information on our website https://gdostrade.com, property of GdOs Trade S.L. with address at Calle Cochabamba 18, 28016 Madrid, Spain, and email info@gdostrade.com

Information gathering

We collect information from our users through their browsing of the website and their use of the contact form. The information we may collect includes, but is not limited to: Contact information, such as name, email address, and phone number. Demographic information. Website usage information, such as pages visited, time spent on them, and frequency of visits. Information about the device used, such as IP address, browser used, operating system and device type.

Use of information

The information collected is used exclusively to provide services related to our website, improve the quality of our service and perform statistical studies. This information helps us understand how users interact with our site, which pages are most popular, and what improvements we can make to our service.

Information protection

We are committed to protecting our users' information and take reasonable measures to maintain the security of information. We use functionality and strictly necessary cookies to maintain the user's session and ensure the correct functionality of the website. We do not share our users' information with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary to provide the service. In this case, only the information necessary to carry out the service will be shared.

Changes to the privacy policy

We may update this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be posted on our website and will be effective from the date of posting.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@gdostrade.com or +34 684 08 31 97